About Us


Gariep Pecans, is situated in a developing pecan nut producing area at Jacobsdal in the South-West Free State, a nut producing area already established and rapidly growing within the South African pecan nut growing industry. There are currently approximately 436 hectares of trees in production (8 years and older) with approximately 520 hectares of younger trees planted, varying between 1 – 7 years. It is envisaged that minimum 2 000 hectares will be established within the next 3 years.

Local production of pecan nuts had sufficient scale to support a profitable local packaging facility, offering farmers an alternative supply point. Sufficient critical mass enabled independent exploration of export opportunities and securing part of the value chain for producers participating in the supply to the treatment plant, creating an opportunity for nut producers to increase their profits.

The nuts, bought from local farmers are processed and packed in order to export a value added product. Representative samples are drawn from each shipment and analyzed according to physical, micro biological and chemical specification to ensure exceptional quality and uniformity. Nuts are graded and prepared to export according to nut size and meat yield.


Our mission is to create wealth and add value in a responsible way through innovative seclusions and valued service to the agricultural and related industries as well as sustainability to the communities in which we operate.


Pecans are considered a super food, rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals essential for optimal wellbeing. Pecans play an integral role in daily diets internationally.

Gariep Pecans (Pty) Ltd source and processes edible nuts for export and local consumption. Nuts processed are primarily cultivated in the well-known Gariep and Jacobsdal agricultural region of the Northern-Cape and Free State. The Gariep and Jacobsdal region ensure excellent fruit growth due to the preferred climate conditions of cold winters and hot summers. Nuts thrive in these climate conditions and are known as the best quality nuts in the world.

The Nuts In Shell (NIS), bought from local farmers are sourced, processed and packed to export a value added product. Representative samples are drawn from each shipment and analyzed according to phytosanitary standards, micro biological and chemical specifications to ensure only exceptional quality and uniformity. Nuts are graded and prepared to export according to nut size and meat yield.

Gariep Pecans take pride in export standards adopted by Gariep Pecans to comply with consumer requirements in Europe, Asia and Australasia.

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